Contemplative by Catastrophe

Contemplative by Catastrophe

Contemplative by Catastrophe It is with great delight that I introduce the Rev. Dr. Kristine O’Brien. Kristine serves as the Director at Crieff Hills – Retreat & Conference Centre, which is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Crieff Hills...

Who Do You Say that I Am?

Who Do You Say that I Am? Who Do You Say that I Am? Where things happen in scripture is often as important as what happens or what is said. Today we are presented with a well known passage from Matthew’s gospel. We know and remember this passage as it is where...

What Concerns God

What Concerns God What Concerns God Our passage from Matthew’s gospel covers a few topics and at first glance does not appear to related. However, when we dig a little deeper we find that there is a connection and it tells us something rather profound, yet...
What’s so Bad About Being in the Boat?

What’s so Bad About Being in the Boat?

What’s so Bad About Being in the Boat? What’s so Bad About Being in the Boat? The story of Jesus walking on water is well known. It has been reproduced in art, spoofed in movies and used a measuring stick for our faithfullness. Why did you doubt is what...
Operating from a Place of Grief

Operating from a Place of Grief

Operating from a Place of Grief Operating from a Place of Grief The gospel lesson from Matthew is a well known piece of scritpure. It recounts the feeding of the 5000, the only miracle of Jesus to be featured in all four gospels. We know the highlights of the story...
The Hiddenness of the Kingdom

The Hiddenness of the Kingdom

The Hiddenness of the Kingdom The Hiddenness of the Kingdom Today we have a flurry of small parables from Jesus, all of which speak about the Kingdom of Heaven. Over the past few weeks Jesus has been feeding us images and ideas about what God’s kingdom will look...

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