Going for a Walk

Going for a Walk

Going for a Walk Going for a Walk The events from our gospel passage take place on Easter Day. For us they are several weeks removed. However, the events of Good Friday and the empty tomb loom large. Two disciples decide to leave Jerusalem and head for Emmaus. On the...
Demanding God Show Up

Demanding God Show Up

Demanding God Show Up Demanding God Show Up Throughout history the disciple Thomas has been given a bad rap. We call him Doubting Thomas because he refuses to believe that Jesus has risen unless he can physically see it. As I reflect on our passage from John and the...

At Dawn

At Dawn At Dawn Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! This is the ancient greeting we use on Easter morning to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. This Easter is unlike others in recent years due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. We wonder how we should celebrate Easter...

Believe and Believe Again

Believe and Believe Again Believe and Believe Again On Good Friday we are confronted by the death of Jesus. Acts of betrayal, denial corruption fill the narrative. In his gospel account John provides a rich tapestry for us, full of vivid images. As deal with the...
Encountering Death

Encountering Death

Encountering Death Encountering Death This morning is Palm Sunday. It had been our intent to begin worship with a parade, waving palm branches and music. However, the circumstances of our present time with the Covid-19 Pandemic caused me to have a change of mind as I...
Called to Life

Called to Life

Called to Life Called to Life We are in the season of lent and our passages today look at how God calls us to life. As we journey towards Jerusalem, Holy Week and Easter we are reminded of the call God does put on our lives. The Covid-19 Pendemic has changed much of...

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