You Snakes!

You Snakes!

You Snakes! You Snakes! The Second Sunday of Advent shakes things up. We are introduced to the character John the Baptist and his ministry of conversion and repentance. John is cousin to Jesus and he paves the was for the ministry that Jesus will start. He is the one...
What Kind of King do we Follow?

What Kind of King do we Follow?

Sermons What Kind of King do we Follow? As we close out the Christian year, we do so with Christ the King Sunday. It is an opportunity to stop and reflect on who Jesus Christ is. Why we call Jesus our Lord, Saviour and Sovereign.   Scripture: Luke 23: 33-43 What Kind...
When the Walls Come Tumbling Down

When the Walls Come Tumbling Down

Blog When the Walls Come Tumbling Down What do we do when nothing makes sense anymore? When the world around looks foriegn, the activities of our lives become strange? How do we react when the walls come tumbling down? As followers of Christ, as those who live in the...
Respecting Our Bodies

Respecting Our Bodies

Blog Respecting Our Bodies Our passage from Matthew’s gospel today discusses issues of marriage and the resurrection. On the surface this seems an easy enough passage from scripture to deal with. Some of the outcomes might be upsetting as we wrestle with what...
Do You Know Who You Are?

Do You Know Who You Are?

Blog Do You Know Who You Are? This Sunday is Legacy Sunday or Stewardship Sunday. A time when we reflect on our time, treasure and talent. It is also a time when we might be asked or might consider making a large gift to the church. Perhaps including something in our...
Peace and Love

Peace and Love

Neil Ellis Peace and Love We finish our series on the Stained Glass Windows at St. Andrew’s. Our scripture comes from John’s gospel as is part of the ‘Farewell Discourse’ that Jesus makes to his disciples during the Last Supper.  Scripture:...

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