The End

This is our final look at Revelation. What is the final word from God for us as we consider the final words printed in the Bible. Does this represent the end or something else altogether? Text: Revelation 22: 12-14, 16-17, 20-21 The End...

Christian Hope

On the first Sunday in May St. Andrew’s celebrates its anniversary. For 183 years St. Andrew’s has existed as a community of faith, proclaiming God’s goodness and serving the community. It is fitting that this Sunday we are continuing our look at...

Worship the Lamb

This week we continue our look at Revelation as consider how a community of faith endure’s persecution, suffering and grief. We find that the central message in Revelation remains the same: Offer God worship. Text: Revelation 7: 9-17 Worship the Lamb...

Preparing for Sunday: How Many?

Just how many people were there? More than could possibly be counted, people of every race, tribe, nation and language. They all came to wave palm branches and worship God. They gave thanks to God for their salvation, for they trusted in the promise found in Jesus...

Alternate Worlds

We continue our look at Revelation and what news it brings to us in the season of Easter. What is the apocalyptic event which is revealed and how does Revelation inform our living and worship? Text: Revelation 5: 11-14 Alternate Worlds...

Good Friday Sermon

During Holy Week this year St. Andrew’s participated in the Cobourg Christian Network’s joint Good Friday Service. Hosted at the Best Western in Cobourg a collection of diverse churches came together to celebrate the Passion of our Lord. The offering taken...

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