by Neil Ellis | Dec 30, 2015 | Sermons
This sermon is from the evening service. The text for the sermon is John 1: 1-14. Christmas Eve, 2015 – Evening Service Play in new window |...
by Neil Ellis | Dec 14, 2015 | Sermons
The third Sunday of Advent is when we light the candle of Joy. Our gospel reading this week continues to deal with the ministry of John the Baptist. We receive a harsh message from John followed by some instructions that we might find peculiar. Text: Luke 3: 7-18 What...
by Neil Ellis | Nov 30, 2015 | Sermons
As we enter Advent and a new church year we look forward to Christmas. For many December is the time that they countdown to Christmas. However, receiving the Christ child requires that we prepare ourselves for that gift. Advent then is a time of preparation. At time...
by Neil Ellis | Nov 23, 2015 | Sermons
In our reading from John’s gospel we have a glimpse at the conversation between Jesus in Pilate. Jesus tells Pilate that “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice.” Pilate responds to Jesus with the question “What is truth?”...
by Neil Ellis | Nov 9, 2015 | Sermons
What does it mean to give to the church? What does an offering look like? Today we will consider giving and offerings from the unlikely source of three widows. Text: Mark 12: 38-44 & Ruth 3: 1-5; 4: 13-17 Three Widows...
by Neil Ellis | Nov 2, 2015 | Sermons
Today we begin a short series on the Book of Ruth. Ruth is a small book which is found in the Old Testament. It is a story which starts in the midst of famine, death and despair. However, throughout the Book of Ruth we see faithfulness towards God in action. We also...