by Neil Ellis | Sep 14, 2015 | Sermons
How often do we consider how the words we speak might hurt or offend other people? Do we think before we speak or do we put the proverbial foot in our mouths? Our passage from James this morning looks at the sin we can commit when we are careless with how we speak....
by Neil Ellis | Sep 7, 2015 | Sermons
Today we continue our study of James. Our passage this morning deals with the distinctions we make between ourselves, the judgements that may occur as a result and finally with how James urges us to respond. You may find it helpful to read the article Who Gets to...
by Neil Ellis | Aug 31, 2015 | Sermons
Sola Fide. If I am saved by faith alone, why do anything? Welcome to the first in a series of sermons where we focus in on the Book of James. A book from the Bible which is known for its heavy leaning towards doing God’s work. Throughout this series we will...
by Neil Ellis | Aug 24, 2015 | Sermons
What does it mean to put on the whole Armour of God? Should Christians today be adopting an image that promotes violence and warfare? Let’s take a look at Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and try to gain a better sense of what it means to wear the Armour of...
by Neil Ellis | Aug 17, 2015 | Sermons
There once was a man. He was a powerful man. Blessed with riches and resources beyond what most people know. He was in charge of a large territory and he defended that territory. Over time he made enemies of other powerful individuals. At times they would go to war...
by Neil Ellis | Aug 10, 2015 | Sermons
John’s gospel is where we find the many “I Am” statements that Jesus makes. This morning we look at Jesus’ statement “I am the bread of life.” During the children’s story the observation was made by the children that this...