Be the Sheep

Welcome to winter. Over the past week we have welcomed the snow, the wind and the cold. It’s not that we aren’t used to winter weather, we just prefer to wait a little longer. The last few years we didn’t see snow until January, so having the white stuff appear at the...


I have never liked the parable of the talents. The handling of the third servant has never rested well with me. Tossing that servant into the outer darkness, where there is weeping and the gnashing of teeth. I have never liked it. I have questioned my whole life is...

Give me Oil

Weddings are interesting occasions, full of expectation and promise. A clash of family and friends, normally a joyous occasion. I have been privileged to witness many, many wedding banquets. My father owned a catering company and I began working for him when I nine. I...

Walk Humbly

I’d like to start our time together this morning talking to you about pride. In doing so I would like to share with you some thoughts on pride from people far wiser than me. “Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are...

The Greatest Law

I would like to go on a journey with you today, a journey back to the beginning. Not to the beginning of all things, but back to a beginning. Specifically, I would like to go back to the beginning of Matthew’s gospel. That long list of names that composes chapter one...
Six Ways to be the Church

Six Ways to be the Church

I would like to have a conversation with you. I hope that’s alright. I would encourage you to respond as you feel led during this conversation. Answer for yourself, don’t worry about trying to answer with a collective voice. Ok, let’s see how this goes. ‘Good...

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