Lent Begins in the Wilderness

Lent Begins in the Wilderness

Lent Begins in the Wilderness Lent Begins in the Wilderness Welcome to the first Sunday of Lent. Today’s service features a communion service. Before you begin the video you may want to prepare a slice of bread or bun along with some juice. Lent is the time...
The Hours of the Day

The Hours of the Day

The Hours of the Day The Hours in the Day An important question that our passage today considers is how do we care for other people and ourselves? In his gospel account, Mark doesn’t identify these two issues with these words, but they are embedded within the...
Thinking Through Discipleship

Thinking Through Discipleship

Thinking Through Discipleship Thinking Through Discipleship On the surface our passage from Mark once again looks like a straightforward call of discipleship. However, as we have learned we should never assume that things are straightforward. This morning we look at...
Point Towards Jesus

Point Towards Jesus

Point Towards Jesus Point Towards Jesus We are still in the Christmas season. Our gospel passage today is a retelling of the nativity from John’s gospel. A prominent figure in this version of the nativity is John the Baptist, who urges us to point towards Jesus....
The Faithful Ones

The Faithful Ones

The Faithful Ones The Faithful Ones As we close out the calendar year our gospel passage takes us to the temple in Jerusalem, where in accordance with tradition Jesus was presented at the temple. During this encounter two faithful individuals encounter the holy...

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