Preparing for Sunday: For God So Loved

Preparing for Sunday: For God So Loved

John 3:16 is one of the most famous passages in the Bible. Along with Psalm 23 it is etched in our minds and speaks to the goodness that we know in God. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may...

Faith Seeking Understanding

Doubt. It is the nagging question. The uncertain factor, the unknown. The tickle at the back of your throat. It keeps you up at night, wondering if you have made the right choice. If you’ve been played the fool. Doubt, often seen as the antithesis of faith. If...

Prayer Time: A Prayer of Blessing

Great God, you sent Jesus Christ that we might trust in him and live as his faithful followers. Uplift us when we stumble, steady us when we falter, that we might walk in righteousness and work for reconciliation in the way of Jesus Christ. Give us grace to be a...

Great Faith

I ask my kids to wash their hands a lot. They are always playing outside in the dirt. I can never be sure what new specimen of bug they will have discovered or what particularly dirty pile of mud they might decide to play in. So I ask them to wash their hands....

Primer for Sunday: Great Faith

The story in Matthew 15: 10-28 of the Canaanite woman is a difficult one for many reasons. It forces us to ask questions about Jesus, which are uncomfortable. It raises issues about the divinity of Jesus, the characteristics of God and who is included in God’s...

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