

#blessed #blessed What dos it mean to be blessed in a scriptural context? If Jesus calls a group of people blessed, as he does in our passage from Matthew today, what does it mean? What is the implication on our lives and how has the sacred concept of blessedness...

The Beatitudes

The Beatitudes are a beloved piece of scripture. They remind us that the promises of God do not mirror the promises of this world. In fact, God’s promises often put the promises of the world upside down.  The Beatitudes Text: Matthew 5: 1-12...

Preparing for Sunday: The Beatitudes

The Beatitudes are one of the most beloved passages in scripture. They speak about God’s promises, they are uplifting and comforting. But what do they really mean? This is question is one we will explore this week, but first we must agree about what we are...

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