Reflecting on Rest

Reflecting on Rest

Reflecting on Rest Reflecting on Rest Our passage today doesn’t feature Jesus at rest. In fact, it display’s the opposite. Jesus is rather busy during his visit to the temple in Jerusalem. In some respects we don’t even recognize Jesus, as his...

Preparing for Sunday: The Temple

What does it mean to go to church? Ask 100 people and receive 100 answers. The responses might be similar and full of overlapping themes, but most of us have a different idea of what it means to attend church. As we have journeyed through Lent we have reflected on our...

Rise Up

Let’s start this morning with a nursery rhyme. If you know the words feel free to say them with me. I suspect that most, if not all of us, know the words to this one: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s...

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