Holy Week Worship Services
Our journey through Lent continues. Soon we will arrive at Jerusalem and travel with Jesus through his final earthly days. There are a variety of services occurring next week and we hope you are able to join us. Palm Sunday - March 20 - 10:30am Join us on Palm Sunday...
2015 Annual Report
2015 is behind us and we have already been busy with the work for the year ahead. As part of our process we take time not only to take the time to see to our financial obligations by passing the operating budget for 2016, but also to celebrate the ministry which St....
Pancake Supper
You might wonder where Pancake Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday came from. Why did we decide to eat pancakes on the Tuesday before Lent? In order to understand Shrove Tuesday we need to first recognize the importance of Lent. Lent, the forty days leading up Good Friday and...
Family Movie Night
St. Andrew's is holding a Family Movie Night on January 15, 2016. Admission to this event is free! Donations and proceeds from refreshment sales will benefit the Better Together Refugee Sponsorship. The movie that will be shown is Disney Pixar's Inside Out. Come and...
Were You There on that Christmas Night?
This Sunday this Choir of St. Andrew's will offer the Cantata Were You There on that Christmas Night? as a special celebration of music. Be sure to attend and please invite family and friends as we hear the story of Christ's birth in music. The service will also...
Christmas Newsletter
The latest congregational newsletter is ready.
Ode to Remembrance
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. - Robert Laurence Binyon
Fall Newsletter
The 2015 Fall Newsletter is out. Be sure to catch up on what is happening with the congregation.
Matt Williams & Alyssa Morrissey in Concert
On Saturday November 14th St. Andrew's present Matt Williams and Alyssa Morrissey. Join us for an evening of music as the natural acoustics of the sanctuary reverberate with the heartfelt music of these two gifted musicians. The money from admissions will be used to...
Back to Church Sunday
Sunday September 20 is Back to Church Sunday. This week I would encourage you to reach out to a friend or neighbour and invite them to church. It is easier than you might think!

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.