Summer News
With summer approaching updates from the Congregational Website will not be as frequent. A few reminders for July: Waterfront Festival I hope that many of you are able help at the Waterfront Festival. This is a great opportunity to meet and form relationships with...
June Newsletter
The June Congregational Newsletter is ready! You can pick a copy up Sunday after worship. Alternatively you can read it online or download it for later reading.
June News
It is a busy month at St. Andrew's. As we look forward to the summer months there are many activities and event happening in the life of the church. Make sure you mark these dates on your calendar. June 7 - We will be welcoming five new members to St. Andrew's and we...
Spring Tea and Bazaar
The Women's Association of St. Andrew's is hosting their Spring Tea and Bazaar this Saturday April 25 from 10am - 12pm. Come and enjoy a refreshing time of fellowship and be sure to explore the many deals in the bazaar.
Join us for Holy Week and Easter Sunday
Upcoming Events in March & April
It is a busy time at St. Andrew's. Be sure to keep up with all the events and activities. March 21 - Irish Dinner starts at 5:30 March 26 - Photo Directory Picture Sessions April 2 - Maundy Thursday Service begins at 7pm April 3 - Good Friday Service begins at 10:30am...
Photo Directory
St. Andrew's will be producing a new Congregational Photo Directory. Our last directory was completed in 2010 and the congregation has changed during that time. We would like you and your family to be a part of the directory. All pictures will be taken at the Church....
Assembly Council Seeks Your Input
The Assembly Council of the Presbyterian Church in Canada is seeking input from Presbyterians in order to develop a Strategic Plan on how the national church can strengthen and support local congregations. This is an excellent opportunity to share and provide input on...
Annual Meeting & Other News
It is a busy time at St. Andrew's. The following events are happening soon and we hope you can join us for them. Men's Breakfast The Men's Breakfast will meet this Saturday (February 14) at the Dutch Oven. Join us at 9am for breakfast, coffee and good conversation. We...
Presbyterian World Service & Development Sunday
This Sunday is Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) Sunday. At St. Andrew's we are fortunate to have Susan James and François Ndibwami from PWS&D join us for worship. Susan and François will speak to the congregation about the relief and...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.