Preparing for Sunday: God’s Love
This Sunday we find ourselves reading one of the most oft-quoted pieces of scripture, John 3:16. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life." A wonderful promise from God to...
Listen, Lord – A Prayer
O Lord, we come this morning Knee-bowed and body-bent Before thy throne of grace. O Lord, this morning, Bow our hearts beneath our knees, And our knees in some lonesome valley. We come this morning, Like empty pitchers to a full fountain, With no merits of our own. O...
Giving Up
The first Sunday in Lent deals with the temptation the Jesus faced after his time in the wilderness. The Devil places three temptations before Jesus. In each instances we see Jesus refuting the Devil through good understanding of scripture. Today we face our own...
Preparing for Sunday: Lent
Lent is the season which leads up to Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. It lasts forty days, not counting Sunday's. The word 'Lent' comes from the Anglo Saxon word 'lencten' which means spring. The number forty is significant in...
Prayer of Adoration and Confession
With thanks to a colleague in Ministry, Rev. Kevin Lee, who posted this prayer on Facebook. I believe that this ancient prayer still speaks to us powerfully today. A Prayer of Adoration and Confession, adopted from Dionysius of Alexandria, 264 AD. Holy God, giver of...
Text: Matthew 17: 1-9 Many of you may be familiar with the line of toys called Transformers. There is of course a movie franchise based on the toys. These toys are robots which can transform into cars. As they drive around in car form they are much like any other...
Text: Matthew 5: 38-48 There was once a father who had to go away from his young family for three or four days on business. Anxious that his wife should be properly looked after in his absence, he had a word with the oldest son, who was nine at the time. “When I’m...
2016 Annual Report
The 2016 Annual Report is ready and will be distributed at church on Sunday February 19. A reminder that our Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday February 26, 2017 in Campbell Hall after the worship service. Please bring a lunch, coffee, tea and water will be...
Praying the Lord’s Prayer
Sometimes we over complicate things. In an attempt to perhaps impress God we try really hard to pray well. Often there isn't a need to pray well, but to pray faithfully. Jesus provide us with a template for prayer. It is one that is prayed each Sunday in countless...
Choose Life
In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus clarifies aspects of the law. Bringing them into sharper focus and providing context to what God intended, but which humanity misinterpreted. In doing so Jesus talks about murder, adultery, divorce and oaths. However, Jesus does not...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.