Ode to Remembrance
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. - Robert Laurence Binyon
Three Widows
What does it mean to give to the church? What does an offering look like? Today we will consider giving and offerings from the unlikely source of three widows. Text: Mark 12: 38-44 & Ruth 3: 1-5; 4: 13-17 Three Widows Benjamin Franklin said “There are...
Preparing for Sunday: Make an Offering
Widows are the main characters of our Bible passages this Sunday. In the Book of Ruth we have Naomi and Ruth. Mark's gospel lesson deals with the Widow's Offering. Last week when we considered Ruth we acknowledged that she was an unlikely individual to be listed in...
Prayer for the Journey
Bless to me, O God, The earth beneath my foot, Bless to me, O God, The path whereon I go; Bless to me, O God, The thing of my desire; Thou Evermore of evermore, Bless Thou to me my rest. Bless to me the thing Whereon is set my mind, Bless to me the thing Whereon is...
The Greatest Commandment
Today we begin a short series on the Book of Ruth. Ruth is a small book which is found in the Old Testament. It is a story which starts in the midst of famine, death and despair. However, throughout the Book of Ruth we see faithfulness towards God in action. We also...
Fall Newsletter
The 2015 Fall Newsletter is out. Be sure to catch up on what is happening with the congregation.
Preparing for Sunday: The Most Important Thing
Which commandment is first of all? The Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this, you shall love your neighbour as yourself. How...
Pray the Psalms
Last year around this time I wrote about Praying the Psalms. It is a theme that I would like to revisit this week. The Psalms are a window into the prayer and devotional life of the ancient Israelites. They provide an opportunity for us to discover ancient ways to...
Job’s Transformation
Today's sermon is our final on our series about Job. We consider the final chapter of Job and the transformation which takes place. You may want to read the article Preparing for Sunday: Job's Conclusion before reading the sermon. Text: Job 42 Job's Transformation...
Matt Williams & Alyssa Morrissey in Concert
On Saturday November 14th St. Andrew's present Matt Williams and Alyssa Morrissey. Join us for an evening of music as the natural acoustics of the sanctuary reverberate with the heartfelt music of these two gifted musicians. The money from admissions will be used to...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.