Preparing for Sunday Worship: Walk Humbly
A young man was dressed for a job interview. His best suit, matching tie, shoes highly polished. He had done his level best to ensure that he was putting more than his best foot forward. He was more than prepared and what is more he looked the part. During the...
A Prayer of Praise
As we move about the busyness of our days we do not often stop and pause to reflect on God. If we are honest with ourselves God is an after thought in the activities that comprise our daily lives. We acknowledge, believe and know that God is with us but we seldom give...
The Greatest Law
I would like to go on a journey with you today, a journey back to the beginning. Not to the beginning of all things, but back to a beginning. Specifically, I would like to go back to the beginning of Matthew’s gospel. That long list of names that composes chapter one...
Preparing for Sunday’s Worship: Whose Son is the Messiah?
Genealogy is a fascinating subject. Exploring family history, origin stories, discovering quirky facts and new relationships. The exploration of our ancestry teaches us something about ourselves and where we come from. We learn about family feuds and we uncover...
A Prayer for Our Community
Over the course of the next week we will head to the polls to elect new leaders for Cobourg. Across Ontario this action will be played out in other city. Each city has its own concerns and problems. A variety of candidates have come forward with how they feel these...
Six Ways to be the Church
I would like to have a conversation with you. I hope that’s alright. I would encourage you to respond as you feel led during this conversation. Answer for yourself, don’t worry about trying to answer with a collective voice. Ok, let’s see how this goes. ‘Good...
Preparing for Sunday Worship: What Does it Mean to be the Church?
Much of the New Testament is comprised of letters. Personal correspondence between one individual and a variety of churches located around the Mediterranean. Most of these letters are composed by Paul. In his missionary and church planting work Paul would keep in...
October News
What a blessing it is to be surrounded by a loving and caring community of faith. October is well underway and St. Andrew's is a busy place. Over 100 people took communion on World Communion Sunday. Celebrating communion is one of our deepest mysteries, a time when we...
A Prayer of Thanks and for Rest
We have celebrated Thanksgiving. A time when we are deeply thankful for what God has provided us with. It is a time that we spend with family and friends. We enjoy good food and fellowship. However, it is also a busy time full of hosting duties or travel. Today as you...
What to Wear
Recently a few of us from St. Andrew’s attended a celebration event hosted by UCB Radio, the local Christian radio station in Cobourg. The night was designed to highlight how UCB Radio operates as a mission spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. There was music,...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.