Table Scraps
Table Scraps Our passages today focus on reconciliation, the hard work of forgiveness. It might not look that way at first glance, as the passages have more finger pointing in them than words of forgiveness. However, if you dig deeper you will find that the theme of...
Look Within
Look Within Today's passage finds us agreeing with the Pharisees and scribes. Not something that happens very often, but when they ask Jesus why the disciples don't wash their hands before they eat, we might find ourselves nodding our heads in agreement. Afterall, we...
Signs Our passages today focus on reconciliation, the hard work of forgiveness. It might not look that way at first glance, as the passages have more finger pointing in them than words of forgiveness. However, if you dig deeper you will find that the theme of...
Being Well Fed
Being Well Fed Our passages today focus on reconciliation, the hard work of forgiveness. It might not look that way at first glance, as the passages have more finger pointing in them than words of forgiveness. However, if you dig deeper you will find that the theme...
Looking Deeper
Looking Deeper Looking into a mirror only takes us so far. Sometimes we have to look a little deeper, dig a little further in order to expose light to a situation. Our scripture text for today is grim. When I was recording the scripture reading, I may have grimaced...
What is an Adequate Response to Despair?
What is an Adequate Response to Despair? What should we do when nothing is going right? Not just in our own lives, but in society in general. When things don't make sense and are wildly out of control. When despair sets in all around, how should the Christian react?...
Who is This?
Who is This? How do we describe God? Should we encounter God, what might we expect? In Jesus, we encounter God in human form. God is relatable, until God is not. Our two encounters of God in scripture today do not go the way anyone else involved would anticipate. Not...
Declare God’s Love
Declare God's Love This past week Rev. Ellis attended the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. General Assembly ran from Sunday through Wednesday evening, full days of debate and discussion about the church and its mission in the world. As a result...
God’s Family
God's Family Our passages today focus on reconciliation, the hard work of forgiveness. It might not look that way at first glance, as the passages have more finger pointing in them than words of forgiveness. However, if you dig deeper you will find that the theme of...
The Greatest Promise of All
The Greatest Promise of All Today is Trinity Sunday, where we celebrate the Triune aspect of God: Father Son Holy Spirit Our passage dealing with the Trinity comes from the words of Jesus as we find them in John's gospel. Jesus is speaking with Nicodemus, a leader...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.