Testify to the Truth
On Pentecost we receive the Holy Spirit and give thanks for its continual illumination on the Church. For its mission of illuminating the truth of God's love for humanity. However, while we might receive the Holy Spirit as a gift from God, it comes with an obligation...
Ascension Sunday
On Ascension Sunday we experience the culmination of the Gospel story. In Luke's gospel the ascension of Christ is not an event marked by great fanfare. In fact Luke only dedicates one sentence to Jesus ascending. Afterwards the disciples continue to worship in great...
The Master Gardener
Trusting God sounds like it should be an easy thing. However, in our walk of faith there are many times when we might question God's plan for us. When we realize that perhaps we would like a little more control or say in how events are being shaped. Our passage this...
Psalm 23
There is an old Spiritual that goes like this: Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen Nobody knows my sorrow Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen Glory hallelujah! When we find ourselves in times of trouble and when we experience moments of sorrow, invariably we find...
What does it mean to be a witness as a Christian? To what do we provide a witness to and who are we providing that witness for? Witness - Audio Sermon You are witnesses to these things. You are a witness to the testimony of holy scripture. Have you ever...
My Lord and My God
Our Gospel lesson from John this week is a well known story. The first appearance of Jesus to the disciples after his resurrection. It is a story which has become synonymous with 'Doubting Thomas'. However, to focus on Thomas is to pick an easy target and ignore the...
Easter Sunday
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Easter Sunday - Audio Sermon I have seen the Lord! I have seen the Lord and he knows my name! These are the thoughts of Mary Magdalene on the morning that she discovered the stone rolled away. I have seen the Lord and...
Transformative Love
On Palm Sunday we both journey with Jesus and welcome Jesus to Jerusalem. We take our place with the crowds and we shout Hosanna! as our Lord, King and Saviour enters into the gates of Jerusalem. The story of Palm Sunday acknowledges the kingship of Jesus, however it...
Be Where Jesus Is
During our journey through Lent we have asked a variety of questions concerning who Jesus is and what it means to follow him. In our reading this morning from John's Gospel we are once again faced with the question of what it means to serve Jesus. We are standing in...
For God So Loved
John 3:16 is a well known and loved piece of scripture. It speaks of God's great love for creation and humanity. However, when this passage is situated within its larger context we see that it evokes a depth and breadth of meaning that is not initially apparent. Below...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.