The Pouring Out of God’s Spirit
The Pouring Out of God's Spirit Today is Pentecost Sunday, when we recognize and acknowledge the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is referred to by Jesus as the Advocate, that which will come and remain with us after Jesus himself is gone. In the dramatic reading from...
A Dangerous Place
A Dangerous Place One of the most reassuring aspects of scripture is the knowledge that Jesus prays for us. Our passage from John's gospel today features such an occassion. It is the reason that Jesus is praying for the disciples and us that is more concerning. The...
Abide in God’s Love
Abide in God's Love What does love look like? In many ways love as Jesus describes it in our passage today is love in action. Less an emotion and more a tangible act that we undertake. What the passage makes clear is that God's love is important, central to the...
Trust in God
Trust in God Today St. Andrew's celebrates it's birthday and it is fitting that our gospel passage focuses on trust. Not just our trust in God, but God's trust in us. The Psalmist proclaims it and Jesus tells us that he is the true vine and that so long as we dwell in...
The Good Shepherd
The Good Shepherd We have two well known passages today: Psalm 23 and Jesus' words on being The Good Shepherd from John's gospel. Both passages speak to God's abiding care for creation and us. They also remind us that God's love extends beyond us to all people. This...
Services – April 18, 2021
Services - April 18, 2021 Rev. Ellis is on vacation this week. Below you will find information on a variety of different services from other Presbyterian church's within our Presbytery. I hope that this Sunday you are able to find a service to view or perhaps to spend...
What Part Will You Play?
What Part Will You Play? Our passage from John's gospel this week is well known. It features the disciples in the upper room and focuses on the declaration of Thomas after he sees the wounds on Jesus' body. It is also where we get the catch phrase doubting Thomas. ...
He has Been Raised, He is not Here
He is Not Here, He has been Raised! Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed! The familar refrain is shouted, today is the day of resurrection. A day of new hope, a day of new possibilities. Christ is risen from the grave, death is defeated. On Easter morning I am drawn...
Who Made the Right Choice?
Who Made the Right Choice? We have journeyed through Lent and have arrived in Jerusalem with Jesus. Traditionally on Palm Sunday we read one of the passages that we refer to as the Triumphal Entry, where we find Jesus entering Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The...
We Would Like to See Jesus
We Would Like to See Jesus The journey to the cross is almost complete. The passage from John's gospel today is the last public appearance of Jesus before the cruicifixion. A group of Greek's are in Jerusalem for the Passover Festival, having heard of Jesus they...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.