Love Jesus teaches a simple truth about love and the heart of God in this passage from Matthew. It comes in the form of a test from the Pharisees as they seek to trap him and find cause to arrest him. The answer Jesus provides is complex, but it can be distilled down...
Living in Two Worlds
Living in Two Worlds As followers of Christ we can often find ourselves navigating living in two worlds. We recognize that we live in a secular society, that not everyone else thinks as we do or believes as we do. As people who celebrate the Good News, how do we...
Garments of Grace Revisited
Garments of Grace Revisited Rev. Ellis is off this week recovering from surgery and we felt that this would be a good time to dip into the sermon archive on the website. The sermon below, Garments of Grace, was originally preached on October 16, 2017 and shares the...
Called to the Vineyard
Called to the Vineyard This Sunday as I recuperate from surgery, I am happy to share with you a service prepared for Presbyterian Sharing Sunday by the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Amanda Currie. I pray that as you read the prayers, scriptures and...
Don’t Stay on the Sidelines
Don't Stay on the Sidelines Today's passage finds Jesus having an encounter with the Chief Priests and Elders in the temple of Jerusalem. They ask him where his authority comes from and Jesus replies with a question which ends up being a scathing rebuke. If we were...
Designed to Offend
Deisgned to Offend Our passages today focus on reconciliation, the hard work of forgiveness. It might not look that way at first glance, as the passages have more finger pointing in them than words of forgiveness. However, if you dig deeper you will find that the...
Practicing Forgiveness
Practicing Forgiveness Today we continue our look at Matthew 18 and the subject of forgiveness. Peter asks Jesus how many times we must forgive and some of us make not like the answer! Jesus replies 77 times! If you've ever been wronged in a serious way, forgiving...
Why Do We Forgive?
Why Do We Forgive? Our passages today focus on reconciliation, the hard work of forgiveness. It might not look that way at first glance, as the passages have more finger pointing in them than words of forgiveness. However, if you dig deeper you will find that the...
Contemplative by Catastrophe
It is with great delight that I introduce the Rev. Dr. Kristine O'Brien. Kristine serves as the Director at Crieff Hills - Retreat & Conference Centre, which is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Crieff Hills holds a special place in my heart as I...
Who Do You Say that I Am?
Who Do You Say that I Am? Where things happen in scripture is often as important as what happens or what is said. Today we are presented with a well known passage from Matthew's gospel. We know and remember this passage as it is where Peter declares that Jesus is,...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.