Have the Poor with You Always
Have the Poor with You Always What would it look like to live in true community with everyone who lived the town of Cobourg? To strike down the barriers of class, ethnicity, gender and so on. The passage from John's gospel that we look at on this fifth Sunday of...
Resentment What is the greatest source of resentment in our lives? What issues, problems and experiences drive us to resent situations in our lives? How do we deal with these complex emotions? What is the source of them? Scripture: Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32The younger son...
Called to Repent
Called to Repentance Lent is a time of preparation.A time when the Christian community prepares for the events of Holy Week: The trial, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Part of preparing for these events requires that we examine ourselves and our complicity...
Sacrificial Love
Sacrificial Love On this Second Sunday of Lent we find Jesus' lament for Jerusalem. Here Jesus turns and squarely faces his destination. Where he must go and preach his final sermon on love, which will take place on the cross. It is an extrodinary passage in Luke's...
The Temptations of Jesus Are Not Ours
The Temptations of Jesus Are Not Ours We have entered the season of Lent and the journey towards Jerusalem begins with Jesus being sent by the Holy Spirit to the wilderness. Jesus will fast for forty days and be tempted by the devil. The temptation of Jesus by the...
Departures When we think of the hymn Tell me the stories of Jesus. The story of the Transfiguration is not one that immediately comes to mind. It may be a fascinating story that gives us key insights into who Jesus is and how his presence is understood within the...
Hope in the Resurrection
Hope in the Resurrection The resurrection of the body is a central theme of the Christian faith. We confess that Christ was raised from the dead and that this promise shall be ours as well. We don't know how it will happen, what it will look like or even when it will...
Change Our Story
Change Our Story When Jesus called the first disciples I'm not sure they knew what they were getting themselves in to. It was a life changing experience, moving from fishermen to disciples of the son of God. On it's surface the call of Simon, James and John is...
Love Paul's letter to the church in Corinth is full of many theological images. It is in this letter that Paul fully articulates a theology of the cross. However, the necessity of this letter is borne out of conflict in the church. The community of believers in...
Trusting Jesus Utterly
Trusting Jesus Utterly Do we trust Jesus? Do we trust the promises of God that are revealed to us in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ? Our reading from Luke features Jesus reading scripture in the synagogue. After he finishes reading, Jesus declares...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.