Lord’s Prayer – Part 2
We return to our series on the Lord's Prayer. This week we look at two petitions found within the Lord's Prayer: Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Text: Exodus 16: 1-12 & Matthew 18: 21-35 Lord's Prayer -...
Lord’s Prayer – Part 1
Over the next four weeks we will take a deeper look at the Lord's Prayer at its various petitions. What do they mean? How do they shape our prayer life? How do they impact our relationship with God? What does it mean for our life as a Christian? I would like to thank...
Storms a Comin
In life there are storms. Those uncertain times and events which can shake us to our core. The lesson from Mark's gospel concerns itself with a storm the disciples faced while Jesus slept at the back of the boat. What can we today take from this story and where might...
The Earth Produces of Itself
Text: Mark 4: 26-34 You have probably heard the story of Jack. He lived with his mother on a run down farm. Things weren’t going so well and to make matters worse their cow had stopped giving milk. Jack was told to go and trade the cow in for something new. Something...
Out of your Mind
What makes the Christian stand out from any other individual? We don't look different than others. We have family, jobs, concerns just as others do. In our passage from Mark one of the attributes which stands out is being slightly out of our minds. Text: ...
Truth & Reconciliation
The Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada is an important step in coming to terms with the painful past of how the First Nations people of Canada have been treated. It is a process that the Presbyterian Church in Canada has been involved with for over twenty...
Trinity Sunday
Trinity Sunday is a time in the church year when we consider all three aspects of God: Creator, Son and Spirit. The Doctrine of the Trinity can often be difficult to wrap our heads around and there have been many debates about the doctrine over the life of the...
United in the Spirit
Pentecost is when the church celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit. The focus is often on the powerful appearance that the Holy Spirit makes. Tongues of fire stretching out and touching all those who were gathered in Jerusalem that day. To be sure, something...
The Fork in the Road
The Ascension of Jesus is recorded in Luke's gospel and the Book of Acts. Both descriptions are very similar, which is not surprising as they were written by the same author. What is different about them is what the two versions of the Ascension of Jesus...
You are Precious in God’s Sight!
This sermon was preached at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg, Ontario by Rev. Barry Van Dusen on the occasion of our 185th Anniversary Service, Sunday, May 6th, 2018. We give thanks to Barry for coming and sharing with us on this special occasion. ...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.