

In life we all receive invitations. These invitations take on many forms. In some instances we are invited to social gatherings and in others we invite people and events into our lives. Just as we are able to receive invitations we are also able to invite others into...

Preparing for Sunday: The Banquet

I imagine that most of us have attended a wedding or some other social gathering. Events such as these are always enjoyable times. However, I wonder where you were seated during the event? Did you sit near the front or the back? Why? Of course, the answer to this...

Prayer for the Lost

Gracious God, what does it mean to be lost? Is it possible to live outside of your love? We search and we question, looking for signs of your presence. We often struggle to find meaning, to put words to feelings. Enable us, loving God, to see you in a smile, to hear...

Family Movie Night

St. Andrew’s is holding a Family Movie Night on January 15, 2016. Admission to this event is free! Donations and proceeds from refreshment sales will benefit the Better Together Refugee Sponsorship. The movie that will be shown is Disney Pixar’s Inside...

Prayer for Family

Heavenly Father, you call us to live in families. A unit of individuals who are to share, love, encourage and counsel one another. I pray that the light of your love be felt by my family. Grant us the strength to overcome any obstacles we may face. Give us the courage...

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