Two Sermons on the Magi

The visit of the Wise Men or Magi to Jesus is marked by the celebration of Epiphany. It is a season of light, of realization and expectation. While the story of the Wise Men is often one of grandeur and wonder there is another story found embedded within...

Prayer for the New Year

Gracious God, In your wisdom you created all things and called them good. We have come from celebrating the birth of your Son And we recognize the promise that his life brings to all people. Thank you for the blessings you have provided us this past year; For your...

Christmas Eve

This sermon is from the evening service. The text for the sermon is John 1: 1-14. Christmas Eve, 2015 – Evening Service Play in new window |...

Prayer for Christmas

Gracious God, we give you thanks for the light of Christmas. May hope be present during uncertain times. May peace be known to all people. May joy flow in abundance. May love be discovered through your enduring gift. Amen.

Were You There on that Christmas Night?

This Sunday this Choir of St. Andrew’s will offer the Cantata Were You There on that Christmas Night? as a special celebration of music. Be sure to attend and please invite family and friends as we hear the story of Christ’s birth in music. The service...

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