Preparing for Sunday: God Answers

We continue our series on Job. Over the previous two weeks we have witnessed Job’s suffering and participated in Job’s reaction to God’s absence. On Sunday God answers Job our of the whirlwind. It is a powerful and provocative piece of scripture. It...

Prayer of Thanksgiving

Gracious God, you are the creator and source of all things. In your goodness and love you have provide for our needs and with hearts full of gratitude we give you thanks. For your grace and mercy, your love and patience we give you thanks. For our family and our...

The Absence of God

We continue our focus on Job. Last week we dealt with the question of suffering, considering God’s and humanities role and the question why. We considered Suffering and the Question Why. This week we look at the absence of God during our time of suffering. You...

Preparing for Sunday: Surrounded by Darkness

This Sunday we continue our study on Job. Last week we considered Job’s predicament and examined Suffering and the Question Why. This week we find ourselves in midst of Job’s dialogue with his friends. Our passage this week is a lament from Job. He is...

Prayer for Refugees

Gracious God, It is so easy to forget. In the midst of our busy lives, It is so easy to forget. We enjoy comfort and security, Food and shelter are taken for granted. Violence is an abstract thought for many, The subject of movies and video games. We confess that we...

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