Prayer Time: For Students

Loving God, as our children return to school we ask that you will watch over them. Keep them safe during this time of excitement and new opportunity. Bless the friendships they make, encourage them in learning and allow them to question the world around them. We give...

Who Am I?

I don’t know about you, but I am not a fan of waiting. I’m sure there is a virtue to be found in patience, but I haven’t discovered it yet. Waiting can be painful, it can be agonizing. I have taken a few flights and I think waiting for the boarding call is one of the...

Primer for Sunday: I Will Be With You

The story of Moses’ call from God is an iconic story. The Burning Bush transcends past Christianity and into popular culture. However, at its core is a story about great faith and trust. God does not equip Moses for ministry the way we might like to be equipped...

Step Into Fall

September is almost here. As we get ready to send children back to school and await the changing of the seasons, we also anticipate and look forward to the many activities that occur at St. Andrew’s. The Step Into Fall newsletter is ready for your reading...

Prayer Time: Prayers of Deliverance

Last night I received a prayer request for the situation in Iraq. A situation that has seen the Islamic State (IS) kill Christians and other minority groups if they do not convert or pay a tax. The email I received indicated that the IS had captured the city...

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