by Neil Ellis | May 24, 2017 | Prayer
In the aftermath of violence and destruction it is often difficult to know how to respond. We are faced with many conflicting emotions. We remember not only the victims of the recent attack in Manchester, but all those who have suffered through violence and terror. We...
by Neil Ellis | May 23, 2017 | Sermons
Jesus spends a lot of time explaining his parables and teachings to the disciples. Another area Jesus spent time explaining was of how he would have to leave the disciples. Understandably, they were confused. How could Jesus leave? Why would he want to? ...
by Neil Ellis | May 20, 2017 | Devotionals
‘In’ is a small word that is loaded with meaning. What does it mean to be ‘in’? To be part of the ‘in’ crowd To be ‘in’ love To be ‘in’volved A small word which carriers depth of meaning. Our passage...
by Neil Ellis | May 16, 2017 | Prayer
O God, let me always sing of your many blessings to me. When my body is tired, so very tired, you energize me. When my mind is confused, you illuminate me. When my heart is broken, you rehabilitate me. When my soul is lost, you renew me. When I feel depressed and stop...
by Neil Ellis | May 15, 2017 | Sermons
Peter provides rich imagery for us in his letter: long for the pure, spiritual milk the stone the builders rejected royal priesthood holy nation God’s own people Living Stones This images tell us about God, Jesus and ourselves. They tell us about how God has...