Text: Acts 2: 1-21 https://standrewscobourg.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/sermons/17-06-04-120.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS There are days when you can look out of your window and you know that the wind is blowing. Tree tops are swaying,...

God’s Promise

In the final verses of Luke’s gospel we read a vivid depiction of the ascension of Jesus. Surrounded by his disciples are they journey towards Bethnay Jesus is taken up. It is a wonderful account and in brings Luke’s gospel account to a close. Within this...

We Are Not Alone

Jesus spends a lot of time explaining his parables and teachings to the disciples. Another area Jesus spent time explaining was of how he would have to leave the disciples. Understandably, they were confused.  How could Jesus leave? Why would he want to? ...


Peter provides rich imagery for us in his letter: long for the pure, spiritual milk the stone the builders rejected royal priesthood holy nation God’s own people Living Stones This images tell us about God, Jesus and ourselves. They tell us about how God has...

I Am the Gate

One of the most common images we have of Jesus is as the Shepherd. However, in our lesson from John’s gospel we find Jesus referring to himself as the Gate. How can this image help us discover more about Jesus? If Jesus is the Gate, then what side of the...


For us the events of Easter are a distant memory. We are two Sunday’s removed from the day when we proclaimed that Christ is Risen! However, our gospel lesson is situated in the hours after the disciple discovered the empty tomb. For them the death of Jesus is...

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