by Neil Ellis | Apr 17, 2017 | Sermons
Jesus Christ is Risen! Thanks be to God! This is our proclamation on Easter morning, that the tomb is empty and God’s promises have been revealed in Jesus Christ, our risen Lord. But what is the call of the resurrection on our own lives? How does this impact our...
by Neil Ellis | Apr 10, 2017 | Sermons
The Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is a passage full of contradictions. On one hand we see the outpouring of love that the people had for Jesus. They declare him their king, they sing hosanna’s. Yet, within a week they will abandon him. For his...
by Neil Ellis | Apr 3, 2017 | Sermons
Text: John 11: 1-45 In the Harry Potter novels the wizard Albus Dumbeldore has a familiar or pet phoenix. The phoenix is a powerful creature and it is not unique to the Harry Potter books. We can find references to the phoenix going back to the Greek historian...
by Neil Ellis | Mar 27, 2017 | Sermons
Our passage comes from John’s gospel. Themes that arise are those of community, belonging and understanding. Jesus is absent for much of the dialogue, but his actions are central to understanding the passage. What do we see? How do we react to what we see? ...
by Neil Ellis | Mar 20, 2017 | Sermons
The woman at the well is a famous passage. Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a well. The engage in a brief exchange and the woman goes away changed. The disciples are flabbergasted, those that hear about Jesus become followers. On the surface there is nothing out...
by Neil Ellis | Mar 13, 2017 | Sermons
In the second Sunday of Lent we look at the midnight encounter between Jesus and Nicodemus. We allow Nicodemus to ask questions on our behalf, providing a sense of relief that it is alright to ask questions which might seem silly. Additionally, we encounter one of the...