Rise Up

Let’s start this morning with a nursery rhyme. If you know the words feel free to say them with me. I suspect that most, if not all of us, know the words to this one: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s...

Christmas Eve

In 1941 Winston Churchill uttered the words, “We shall never surrender.” In doing so he set a nation, indeed the British Commonwealth, on a path to victory against Axis Forces in WWII. On May 25, 1961 President Kennedy addressed Congress and stated, “I believe...

Mary Said Yes

Did you notice it? As I was reading the gospel story this morning, did sense it? As Gabriel was talking to Mary did you see them? Did you see all the other angels and the heavenly hosts watching in eager anticipation? Did you notice how they held their breath as Mary...


I would like to play a game with you this morning. This is a game of word association. I will say one word and you will shout out the first word that you can think of that is related to that word. Are you ready? Fast. Red. Apple. Bible. Christmas. Birthday. Chocolate....

The Rooster

It was two days before Hallowe’en when I noticed them. Christmas decorations were being sold. Specifically it was a giant Santa Claus and Snowman. They were on display at a local retailer and my heart sank. The kids had not yet been out trick or treating and Christmas...

Be the Sheep

Welcome to winter. Over the past week we have welcomed the snow, the wind and the cold. It’s not that we aren’t used to winter weather, we just prefer to wait a little longer. The last few years we didn’t see snow until January, so having the white stuff appear at the...

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