Challenged by God

The question regarding the authority of Jesus has as much to do with the answer as it does with the reasons to ask the question. His authority comes from heaven, this is clear to us as modern readers and it was clear to the chief priests and elders even if they...

A Highland Prayer

In my devotionals this week I came across the following reading: In Highland tradition God is regarded both in Himself and in His Three Persons as a Chief and Ard Righ, with personal tied to His people. It is after the manner of a chieftain, of a hero, or of a prince...

God’s Grace for All

The Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard is one that is often difficult to swallow. There is an inherent sense of unfairness to the parable that we have difficulty dealing with. North American society and culture is one which prides itself on hard work to earn a...

A Prayer on Grieving

Into my grieving I weave the strength of the Father. Into my grieving I weave the compassion of the Son. Into my grieving I weave the comfort of the Spirit. Into my grieving I receive the presence of the Three in One. Into my anger I invite the patience of the Father....

Forgiveness is Second Nature for Christians

In his memorable sermon “The Gospel as Hyperbole,” Fred Craddock points out that Jesus most assuredly had a way with words and with exaggeration as a way to get his points across. When it comes to conveying the sheer size of the gospel and of faith, Jesus refused to...

A Pub Blessing

Prayer comes in many forms. When we look at traditional prayers that have been offered in the past we might shake our heads about the sensibilities. One such prayer is ‘A Pub Blessing’ attributed to St. Brigid. Here the prayer tends to illicit thoughts of...

Bind and Loose Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS Text: Matthew 18: 15-20 Growing up I was a fan of the TV show Law & Order. I enjoyed the format of the show, spending the...

St. Patrick’s Breastplate a Prayer for Protection

We sit in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, of severe monsoon flooding in SouthEast Asia and with Hurricane Irma having devastated many small Caribbean nations, with its course now set for Florida. We acknowledge that these are only some of the calamities which face...

Let Love be Genuine

Let love be genuine is how Paul opens this section of Romans. Hold fast to what is good.  He completes this section by encouraging us to overcome evil with good. In a culture that is enthralled with violence who do we accomplish this? How do we demonstrate love...

Prayer in Times of Crisis

Today the world is experiencing a variety of different crises. In British Columbia wildfires have been burning for weeks. Hurricane Harvey has dropped a deluge of rain on Texas. Within these and many other situations people are in dire need of help. In situations such...

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