True Worship

Worship can take a variety of forms. In his letter to the church in Rome, Paul writes about worship that is pleasing to God. His dialogue expands to include a discussion about what makes a community of faith distinct from the culture surrounding it. This passage...

Prayer for Letting Go

Gracious God, I ask your help in letting go: Of ideals, old habits and patterns that no longer serve me well. That limit my beliefs and hinder my abilities. May I remember that letting go Is a healthy reminder to rely on you. In letting go I learn joy and practice...

One Love

What could one woman teach Jesus about love? The answer might surprise us. Perhaps we should also ask what could one woman teach us about love or racial identity or segregation or discrimination? The story of the Canaanite Woman is powerful. It demonstrates the depth...

A Prayer from the Streets of Charlottesville

The events in Charlottesville, Virginia have brought forth many ugly memories. These events remind us that though we have come far, we still have much farther to travel. The prayer below is from Seminarian Lauren Grubaugh. You can find the original post here. To the...

Pull the Oar

Today’s passage is simple enough. It isn’t about pointing a finger at Peter and telling him to have a deeper faith. It isn’t about us having a deeper or stronger faith than Peter demonstrates.  Our passage this morning is about having the faith...

Preparing for Sunday: Walking on Water

It’s a well known story. After feeding the five thousand Jesus spends some time alone. The disciples take a boat back across the lake. At some point Jesus gets up and heads towards the disciples, walking on water across the lake. At first they think they see a...

A Funeral Celebration

The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, the Feeding of the Five Thousand is a well known gospel story. So well known that we often get stuck on the loaves and fishes and the miracle that they represent. While we should not ignore this aspect of the reading or the...
Dr. Cindy Blackstock Addresses General Assembly

Dr. Cindy Blackstock Addresses General Assembly

This past June the Presbyterian Church in Canada met at Queen’s University in Kingston. Assembly was privileged to hear a message from Dr. Cindy Blackstock, Executive Director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada. As the recipient of...

Prayer of Community in Christ

When you ascended on high, you took many captives; you received gifts frompeople, even from the rebellious – that you, Lord God, might dwell there. Praise be to the Lord, to God our Saviour, who daily bears our burdens. Psalm 68: 18-19 We Play and Bleed We are a...

The Sun

The people of the islands of the Hebrides called the sun ‘the eye of the great God’ because God looks on us in warmth and love, giving us life and light. And they would bow the head in reverence to God. I bow my head to You, Lord God who made the sun, and...

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