Prayer Time: Thankful for Grace

God of grace and God of life, we seek your presence in our lives. We long to know you and walk in your path of righteousness. We recognize that we live in a broken world, full of dangers and temptations. We know that there are many people and organizations who fight...

Two World Visions

My kids like to eat cereal for breakfast. No real surprise there and as far as they are concerned the more sugar the better. However, they like to eat their cereal dry with a glass of milk on the side. Now my boys are a little competitive and nothing makes me chuckle...

Forgiveness, Grace and Reconciliation

You might find this hard to believe, but every once in a while my kids fight. It usually surrounds a toy and usually ends up with one or both of them in tears. Eventually one of them comes up to me or Kate and says, “Ethan hit me” or “Logan won’t share his toy.” The...

Primer for Sunday: Where Two or Three Have Gathered

This Sunday we will reflect on Matthew 18: 15-20. This is a passage that many churches including our own use to determine how conflict, disagreement and sinful behaviour by members should be handled. Jesus provides a model for us that is well laid out and makes sense...

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