Preparing for Sunday: Division

If I am not present on Sunday morning take a quick glance at the scripture lesson and you will have the first clue as to why. This Sunday we deal with perhaps one of the most difficult passages in Luke’s gospel. It is a passage that makes us uncomfortable. As a...

Little Things

Little Things Text: Luke 12: 32-40 Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS This week I sat down to start working on today’s sermon. I was looking...

Preparing for Sunday: The Harvest

Jesus is heading towards Jerusalem. As he journey’s there he will visit many communities. To prepare the people for his visit Jesus gathers some of those who have been following him and sends them out ahead. They are to heal the sick and proclaim that the...

Following Christ

What does it mean to follow Christ? What are the expectations that are put on us as believers? What are the roadblocks we put in our own way? This past Sunday we looked at some of the opposition Jesus faced and the expectations put on disciples in order to discover...

Preparing for Sunday: Discipleship

What does it mean to follow Jesus? A simple question which has a multitude of answers. There are a variety of ways which we could approach this question. On Sunday we will approach the issue of discipleship through Luke’s gospel. In our gospel text for Sunday...

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