Primer for Sunday: John was Arrested
This week we are looking at Mark's gospel. In the first verse of our reading this week we have the following line, "Now after John was arrested..." It is an ominous way to begin a reading and a difficult one on which to build a ministry. We are only fourteen verses...
Primer for Sunday: Seen, not Heard
We have all heard the expression, 'Children should be seen, not heard.' I am fairly certain that as a child that was spoken of me at more than one point. It is a tragic expression in many ways. It assumes that children do not have anything of value to say. That the...
Water and Spirit
Mark's gospel account is very different from Matthew and Luke's. Where Matthew and Luke take time to establish who Jesus is Mark rushes head long into the narrative. Mark begins with the baptism of Jesus which is prefaced with an introduction to John the Baptist. A...
Primer for Sunday: The Light Shines
What does it mean to live in the light? In John's gospel Jesus is introduced to us three ways: As the Word As the true light As the father's son, full of grace and truth What is our relationship with light? How does it affect our living? Do we seek it out? As we enter...
Preparing for Sunday: Humpty Dumpty
We all know the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty. A simple rhyme told to children at bedtime. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men, Couldn't put Humpty together again. This week I did some reading about...
Preparing for Sunday Worship: Waiting for the Christ Child
What does it mean to wait? In a society where everything is "On Demand" what does it mean to sit down and wait? Advent is about preparing for and waiting for the birth of Christ. Yet, in the midst of waiting we are surrounded and sucked up into the busyness that is...
Primer for Sunday: Who are the Messengers
We take a lot for granted when it comes to Christmas. The birth of Jesus is a story that has been told now for 2000 years. Year after year in countless church's the nativity scene is played out again at this time of year. It is a wonderful celebration of God's great...
Primer for Sunday: The Opening Act
Agnus Day notes that John the Baptist scored 8 out of 10 on Gigging Musician's list: How to be a Great Opening Act. While I am not sure what John would have thought of that, it is an interesting idea. In Mark's Gospel we start with John the Baptist preparing the way....
Primer for Sunday Worship: Hope is a Star
The wise men found Jesus by following a light in the heavens. They followed a star and were led to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Today we also have lights. We decorate our houses with lights, we place ornaments and lights on Christmas trees which brighten up our...
Preparing for Sunday: Sheep and Goats
On the surface our message for this Sunday is one of judgement. The parable ends with one group, the goats, receiving eternal punishment. The other, the sheep, receive eternal life. Which makes you want to jump up and down saying "I'm a sheep! Please put me with the...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.