Worship the Lamb
This week we continue our look at Revelation as consider how a community of faith endure's persecution, suffering and grief. We find that the central message in Revelation remains the same: Offer God worship. Text: Revelation 7: 9-17 Worship the Lamb One...
Preparing for Sunday: How Many?
Just how many people were there? More than could possibly be counted, people of every race, tribe, nation and language. They all came to wave palm branches and worship God. They gave thanks to God for their salvation, for they trusted in the promise found in Jesus...
You Are Medicine For Me
You are medicine for me when I am sick. You are my strength when I need help. You are lift itself when I fear death. You are the way when I long for heaven. You are the light when all is dark. You are my food when I need nourishment. Amen. - Ambrose of Milan...
Alternate Worlds
We continue our look at Revelation and what news it brings to us in the season of Easter. What is the apocalyptic event which is revealed and how does Revelation inform our living and worship? Text: Revelation 5: 11-14 Alternate Worlds I suspect that many...
Preparing for Sunday: Worship
The Book of Revelation is often viewed as a guide to future events. A prophecy of a dark and grim future. However, as we have begun to explore this book of the Bible we recognize that this is not the case. Last week we looked at the beginning of Revelation in a sermon...
Good Friday Sermon
During Holy Week this year St. Andrew's participated in the Cobourg Christian Network's joint Good Friday Service. Hosted at the Best Western in Cobourg a collection of diverse churches came together to celebrate the Passion of our Lord. The offering taken that day...
Evening Prayer
Eternal God, The hours both of day and night are yours, And to you the darkness is no threat. Be present, we pray, with those who labour in the hours of night, Especially those who watch and work on behalf of others. Grant them diligence in their watching,...
He Who Is, Who Was and Who is to Come
One of the challenges that confronts Christians is living in a post-Easter world which does not live up to the promise we find in Easter. How do we reconcile what we understand to be the future glory of God against a world which often seems to be stuck at Good Friday?...
Preparing for Sunday: The Apocalypse
The Book of Revelation holds an interesting place in the Canon of the Bible. It is the last book in the Bible and is often one of the most misinterpreted books. One of the most common mistake around this book is its pronunciation. Many people refer to it as the Book...
A Gaelic Blessing
God to enfold me, God to surround me, God in my speaking, God in my thinking. God in my sleeping, God in my waking, God in my watching, God in my hoping. God in my life, God in my lips, God in my soul, God in my heart. God in my sufficing, God in my slumber, God in...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.