Mercy Trumps Judgement
Today we continue our study of James. Our passage this morning deals with the distinctions we make between ourselves, the judgements that may occur as a result and finally with how James urges us to respond. You may find it helpful to read the article Who Gets to...
Preparing for Sunday: Who Gets to Judge?
Who would you rather sit beside: A well dressed individual, wearing the latest in fashionable clothing A shabbily dressed individual, in old clothing that clearly had not been washed in some time At this point you probably think I am asking a trick question. Realizing...
Prayer for Understanding
Gracious God, thank you for creating me in your image. Grant me the courage to explore what it means to be a child of God. Encourage me in all things, that I might seek your will and know your love. Give me a deeper understanding of you. Encourage me to follow your...
Giving and Receiving
Sola Fide. If I am saved by faith alone, why do anything? Welcome to the first in a series of sermons where we focus in on the Book of James. A book from the Bible which is known for its heavy leaning towards doing God's work. Throughout this series we will consider...
Preparing for Sunday: Count Your Blessings
A quick search on Google for the saying 'count your blessings' brings up the hymn of the same name. It is meant to be an uplifting hymn reminding Christians of the many blessings we have received by God. Each verse places us in a situation that is difficult. The...
Prayer of Restoration
Our prayer today is inspired from Lamentations 5, a prayer for restoration. For untold ages almighty God, You have witnessed the unfolding of creation. You alone understand the subtleties of sand and time. When joy has left our hearts, And our dancing turns to...
Armour of God
What does it mean to put on the whole Armour of God? Should Christians today be adopting an image that promotes violence and warfare? Let's take a look at Paul's letter to the Ephesians and try to gain a better sense of what it means to wear the Armour of God. You...
Preparing for Sunday: Stand Fast
At most churches, on most Sunday's we do not hear a loud triumphant call to battle. We might shout for joy for all that God has done. We may give thanks for God's mercy in our lives. We may pray for forgiveness and continuing grace. However, we do not often hear a...
Prayer for Hope
Gracious God, We place our hope in you. Your hope overcomes all things, Your hope heals our wounds and Your hope restores our souls. Your hope inspires us to action, Your hope conquers the power of death, Your hope frees us from the powers of this world. In your son...
The Family Business
There once was a man. He was a powerful man. Blessed with riches and resources beyond what most people know. He was in charge of a large territory and he defended that territory. Over time he made enemies of other powerful individuals. At times they would go to war...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.