Preparing for Sunday: All in the Family
On the surface our Old Testament reading appears to describe the peaceful transition of power between King David and his son Solomon. Our reading opens with David's death and then continues describing Solomon and his desire for wisdom. This reading which begins in the...
Prayer During an Election
Here in Canada we have entered into a Federal Election. On October 19th Canadians will head to the polls and elect the next government for our nation. Many people today feel that politics and religion should not mix. That churches should keep to praying and worship...
Living Bread
John's gospel is where we find the many "I Am" statements that Jesus makes. This morning we look at Jesus' statement "I am the bread of life." During the children's story the observation was made by the children that this really is an odd thing to say. Yet, as an odd...
Preparing for Sunday: Are you Hungry?
Few people in North America know what it is like to be truly hungry. Most of us know where are next meal is coming from. In fact we probably know where all of our meals are coming from for the immediate future. We are not concerned about being hungry and the effects...
Everything by Prayer
Today's prayer comes to us from Prayer for Today, a wonderful resource for prayer in your life. As I return from vacation I give thanks to all those who have allowed things to run smoothly in my absence. I am looking forward to the opportunities that the coming year...
Walk the Talk
Is it mission or evangelism? Which one do we pick? Is it possible to do both? Our gospel lesson from Mark this morning allows us to ask that question. For many people the idea of evangelism can be threatening. However, this does not need to be the case. Jesus and the...
Preparing for Sunday: Talk and Walk
What do the expressions 'Talk the Talk' and 'Walk the Walk' mean to you? In light of our passage from Mark's gospel lesson for this week I consider those two phrases to relate to mission and evangelism. We are usually good about talking about Mission. In fact several...
Summer News
With summer approaching updates from the Congregational Website will not be as frequent. A few reminders for July: Waterfront Festival I hope that many of you are able help at the Waterfront Festival. This is a great opportunity to meet and form relationships with...
Prayer for Canada
Tomorrow is Canada Day. Across the nation people will gather and celebrate the freedoms we enjoy living in this great country. It is an occasion to remember the goodness of God and to give thanks for what we have. Gracious God, we give thanks for the nation of Canada....
The Whole Truth
There is something to be said for personal space. The piece of real estate that you keep to yourself, an area that you guard and don’t allow anyone else into. It’s a comfort zone, we feel a little safer, a little more secure. When we enter into a crowd we...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.