Preparing for Sunday: Included

The theme of isolation is one which is being discussed in our modern era. With advancements in technology and communication it is easier than ever to make a connection with people. Whether through a traditional mediums like the telephone or letter writing or through...

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Prayer for Unity

Last week saw the events of the mass shooting at Emanuel AME church in Charleston S.C. The other day the state Governor, backed by other politicians, called for the removal of the Confederate Flag over the state Capitol Building. The flag has long been a symbol that...

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Voices of Security

When the storms of life threaten to overwhelm us. When the questions that are posed to us are too big for us to handle, we nee to look towards an alternate source of wisdom than our own. In part this is what the Book of Job and the story of Jesus calming the storm are...

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June Newsletter

The June Congregational Newsletter is ready! You can pick a copy up Sunday after worship. Alternatively you can read it online or download it for later reading.

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Preparing for Sunday: God’s Answers

One of the most fascinating parts of the Book of Job is God's response to Job. God answer's Job out of the whirlwind. To be sure, God's answers were not what Job wanted to hear. Job did not receive a direct response to his questions. God's answer is full of questions....

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Prayer for the Life and Witness of the Church

Your kingdom, O God, is among us as a seed growing secretly. Let it burst into flower in our generation. Where the poor are raised up, there is your kingdom; Where justice flows down like the mountain streams, there is your kingdom; Where men and women give their...

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God’s Promise

In life we make a lot of promises. To our parents, our siblings, spouses and friends. Some of these promises we keep and others we don't. In the passage from Ezekiel that we will consider today we receive promise from God. What does it mean to us that God makes...

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Preparing for Sunday: God’s Promise

Throughout scripture we find numerous promises made by God. From Noah and Abraham to the writing of Paul in the New Testament, scripture abounds with God's promise. This Sunday we will look at another promise made by God which is found in the Book of Ezekiel. Ezekiel...

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Understanding Maturity

We are constantly growing, expanding in our learning and understanding. From moment to moment each experience we have changes us in small, subtle ways. As we progress through life we pray that we have the wisdom to learn from each of these experiences and to grow in...

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A Second Look at the Garden of Eden

The story of Adam and Eve, of the Garden of Eden, is a well known story. So well known that we can recount the highlights of this story without much effort. For centuries this piece of scripture has been central to many important issues that are important in our walk...

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St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.

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