Preparing for Sunday: Witnesses
What does it mean to be at witness? A witness is reliable, truthful in the telling of information. A common understanding might be for a witness to be passive. To only provide information when asked. The legal sense of being a witness is perhaps most often thought of....
Spring Prayer
Over the past week it has finally begun to feel like Spring. Our prayer today takes the form of a poem. It comes from Robert Frost's collection A Boy's Will, published in 1915. I encourage you to read it as a prayer. A Prayer for Spring OH, give us pleasure in the...
My Lord and My God
Our Gospel lesson from John this week is a well known story. The first appearance of Jesus to the disciples after his resurrection. It is a story which has become synonymous with 'Doubting Thomas'. However, to focus on Thomas is to pick an easy target and ignore the...
Preparing for Sunday: With Eyes to See
Doubting Thomas. It is a famous story. Truth is Thomas probably does not deserve the criticism he receives. We too would like to see. However, John's gospel is more than just a story about what it took for Thomas to believe. It is a story about all of the disciples...
Easter Sunday
Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Easter Sunday - Audio Sermon I have seen the Lord! I have seen the Lord and he knows my name! These are the thoughts of Mary Magdalene on the morning that she discovered the stone rolled away. I have seen the Lord and...
Holy Week Services
Maundy Thursday - April 2, 2015 Join us for a reflective service as celebrate the Lord's Supper. The focus of the service will be the sacrament of communion. Time will be spent reflecting on this meal that Jesus shared with his disciples. The importance of sharing...
Holy Week Prayer
God of such unwavering love, how do I "celebrate" the passion and death of Jesus? I often want to look the other way and not watch, not stay with Jesus in his suffering. Give me the strength to see his love with honesty and compassion and to feel deeply your own...
Join us for Holy Week and Easter Sunday
Transformative Love
On Palm Sunday we both journey with Jesus and welcome Jesus to Jerusalem. We take our place with the crowds and we shout Hosanna! as our Lord, King and Saviour enters into the gates of Jerusalem. The story of Palm Sunday acknowledges the kingship of Jesus, however it...
What is Love?
This Sunday we celebrate Palm Sunday or the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. It is a Sunday where we profess our love for Jesus. Where those in the story who upon seeing Jesus enter Jerusalem profess their love for him. As I have reflected on this passage from...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.