Photo Directory
St. Andrew's will be producing a new Congregational Photo Directory. Our last directory was completed in 2010 and the congregation has changed during that time. We would like you and your family to be a part of the directory. All pictures will be taken at the Church....
Lenten Prayer
Holy God, I come before you on bended knee and with words of praise on my lips. In creation I observe your handiwork. I gaze with wonder at all I see. Tears fill my eyes as I behold the rising of the sun. Lead me along your straight paths, guide me towards your...
What Do We Believe The Messiah Will Do?
Have you ever had one of ‘those days’? You know the ones I’m talking about. Where everything is proceeding normally and out of no where you learn something unexpected. It rocks your world and shakes your beliefs. Everything goes from being normal and understood to...
Faith Seeking Understanding
Doubt. It is the nagging question. The uncertain factor, the unknown. The tickle at the back of your throat. It keeps you up at night, wondering if you have made the right choice. If you've been played the fool. Doubt, often seen as the antithesis of faith. If you...
Assembly Council Seeks Your Input
The Assembly Council of the Presbyterian Church in Canada is seeking input from Presbyterians in order to develop a Strategic Plan on how the national church can strengthen and support local congregations. This is an excellent opportunity to share and provide input on...
First Week of Lent Prayer
This Lent we will feature a series of different video's which talk about Lent and our approach to the Easter Season. Prayer for Sunday: Gracious God, truly your love and mercy knows no ending. This year during Lent allow my focus to be on you. Allow me to put the...
The Heart of God
Let’s take a look at the headlines from the papers this week. From the Globe & Mail: RCMP charges SNC-Lavalin with bribery, fraud Moscow scoffs at U.K.’s warning of ‘real and present danger’ from Russia From the NY Times: Greece’s Request for Loan Extension Is...
Preparing for Sunday: The Tipping Point
The story of the Flood narrative in Genesis deals with God's divine wrath and anger at humanity. So angry is God that a decision is made to start over. To flood the Earth and wipe everything out except for one small family and a handful of each living creature....
Sharing What We Have Heard
Sharing What We Have Heard - Audio Sermon I have often wondered what God looks like. Scripture gives us some fleeting idea’s as to God’s form, but nothing concrete. In the first chapter of Genesis we do not get a description of God, but we do learn that...
Actions Speak
You've heard the expression before: Actions speak louder than words. It is an expression about getting the job done, rather than sitting around and talking about the jobs that need doing. What would life be like if we were told not to talk about what your plans are or...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.