A Message from the Moderator
A Message and Prayer from the Moderator The Rev. Amanda Currie, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, offers the following message and prayer as we struggle with the change that has come over our lives as a result of Covid-19. The...
A Christmas Blessing
A Christmas Blessing May the trust of Mary troubled by her strange call And Joseph's encouragement besider her through all Be God's gift to you. May the radiant brightness and light of the Star That hope and longing of searchers travelling from afar Be God's gift to...
We are the Naked Ones
We are the naked ones clothed in Your mercy. More safe are we with Your smile upon us than carrying much armour. You are our best protection against wild words that beguile. You are our fod, sweet to taste and sustaining. You are our guide at all times. The knee that...
Lenten Prayer
Your love, which breathed this world into being, invites us into deeper relationship with you, removes the shackles of power and fills us with your healing, grace and mercy. Your love, which from the moment of our birth has known and called us by name challenges our...
On what to do in any given moment
One of the devotionals that I read daily is Celtic Daily Prayer Book Two: Farther Up and Farther In. I have shared prayers from this book before. However, as I was reading the other day I was stuck by a particular entry on choice. Specifically, the choices we make as...
Prayer in the Midst of Change
Security: an idol we bow to and work for and dream of. Security: an illusion we imagine and discuss and plan for. Security: a gift we find here and now and in memories and in hopes. O God of ever-present love, help us to embrace true security, fleeing from...
Advent Prayer for Love
Once again we dip into the archives of our site for an Advent Prayer of Love. This prayer was originally published on Dec 15, 2015. I hope it helps you prepare for the coming of Jesus. Gracious God, who brought light into this world,be the love that dwells...
A Prayer of Joy
Once again we dip into the archives of our website and bring forward an Advent Prayer of Joy from a few years agao. God of inescapable joy, as we approach the third Sunday of Advent we celebrate your promise of eternal life. We give thanks for the promise that calls...
Advent Prayer for Peace
This Sunday we will light the candle for peace.This prayer which we have dug from the archives focuses on our desire for peace. During Advent we prepare ourselves with the coming birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Jesus is the Prince of Peace...
Advent Prayer for Hope
As we approach Advent we look back into the archives of our site to find a prayer on Hope. Originally written in 2014 I hope this prayer helps prepare you for the coming season. With the start of Advent the Church calendar begins anew and...
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.