Prayer for Family

Heavenly Father, you call us to live in families. A unit of individuals who are to share, love, encourage and counsel one another. I pray that the light of your love be felt by my family. Grant us the strength to overcome any obstacles we may face. Give us the courage...

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Prayer for the New Year

Gracious God, In your wisdom you created all things and called them good. We have come from celebrating the birth of your Son And we recognize the promise that his life brings to all people. Thank you for the blessings you have provided us this past year; For your...

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Prayer for Christmas

Gracious God, we give you thanks for the light of Christmas. May hope be present during uncertain times. May peace be known to all people. May joy flow in abundance. May love be discovered through your enduring gift. Amen.

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Advent Prayer of Love

Advent Prayer of Love

Gracious God, who brought light into this world, be the love that dwells within me. Giving God, who brought peace into this world, be the peace that dwells within me. Creator God, who brought joy into this world, be the joy that dwells within me. Almighty God, may...

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Prayer of Joy

Prayer of Joy

God of inescapable joy, as we approach the third Sunday of Advent we celebrate your promise of eternal life. We give thanks for the promise that calls for the wasteland to be turned into a land of plenty. Help us to prepare for the coming of Christ, our Lord, who is...

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Peace for Our Time

Peace for Our Time

It was 1938 when Neville Chamberlain returned to Britain from Berlin having signed the Munich Agreement and uttered the words "I have returned from Germany with peace for our time." Less than a year later Hitler would invade Poland which would trigger declarations...

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The Lord’s Prayer

We pray it every Sunday. The Lord's Prayer is a rich part of Christian tradition. The Church of England has recently launched a new website named Just Pray. To advertise the site they have created a video of the Lord's Prayer being prayed which they planned to show at...

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Praying for the World

If you have been watching the news, reading the paper or scrolling through social media you know that the past few days have been difficult ones. With attacks in Paris, Beirut and Baghdad we are reminded that all of the world is embroiled in conflict. Japan...

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Prayer for the Journey

Bless to me, O God, The earth beneath my foot, Bless to me, O God, The path whereon I go; Bless to me, O God, The thing of my desire; Thou Evermore of evermore, Bless Thou to me my rest. Bless to me the thing Whereon is set my mind, Bless to me the thing Whereon is...

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Pray the Psalms

Last year around this time I wrote about Praying the Psalms. It is a theme that I would like to revisit this week. The Psalms are a window into the prayer and devotional life of the ancient Israelites. They provide an opportunity for us to discover ancient ways to...

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St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.

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