Prayer for Spiritual Growth
Holy Trinity, Mystery manifest in love, One God, Enlarge my spirit. If clear perception and the power to act Conflict with our desire or lazy habit, Lord, enlarge my spirit. If I give the name of right to what I desire Or smother Your emerging Kingdom with conformity,...
Prayer of Discipleship
The early stories in the gospels feature accounts of Jesus recruiting the disciples. The accounts are rather remarkable in how quickly the disciples decide to follow Jesus. John's gospel relays an account of how Philip and Nathanael came to follow Jesus. Philip...
A Prayer for After Christmas
This week marks the first week that things return to 'normal' for many people. Children are back to school, work schedules return to normal, the fuss of Christmas and New Year's Eve are behind us. For Christians Christmas is one of our holiest days as we celebrate the...
Prayer for the New Year
New Year's Eve is upon us. This is the time of year of resolutions, where we promise ourselves that we will stop doing something or perhaps start doing another. One of the most popular New Year's resolutions is to loose weight, to shed the excess from your life. This...
A Prayer for Christmas
Gracious God, we give you thanks for the birth of your son Jesus Christ. Be with us and those we love at this special time of year. Allow us to experience the hope, peace, joy and love of the Christmas season. We give thanks that you come to us as a child, innocent...
Prayer of Love
The season of Advent is almost over. In just over a week's time we will move from the season of Advent to the season of Christmas. This coming Sunday is the fourth Sunday of Advent, a Sunday where we normally discuss and celebrate the theme of love. At its heart...
Prayers of Joy
There are many different ways that we can pray to God. The most common way we pray is through words. We give voice to our joys and concerns and share them with our creator. We can also pray through our actions. When we do the work of the kingdom it is a prayer to God,...
Prayer for Peace
We are approaching the second Sunday in Advent. This week our prayer comes to us via YouTube. Take a few moments to remove any distractions, listen to the music and pray the words in this Prayer for Peace.
A Prayer of Hope
Advent begins this Sunday. With the start of Advent the Church calendar begins anew and we await the Christ child with expectant hope. Advent is a time of preparation. A time when we get ready to receive Jesus into our lives once again. Much of Western society focuses...
Praying the Psalms
The Psalms are a wonderful resources when you are struggling with prayer. Often in our prayer life we can get stuck or find ourselves in a rut. We find ourselves praying for the same thing repeatedly. In some instances this can frustrate us and in our frustration we...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.