Everything by Prayer
Today's prayer comes to us from Prayer for Today, a wonderful resource for prayer in your life. As I return from vacation I give thanks to all those who have allowed things to run smoothly in my absence. I am looking forward to the opportunities that the coming year...
Prayer for Canada
Tomorrow is Canada Day. Across the nation people will gather and celebrate the freedoms we enjoy living in this great country. It is an occasion to remember the goodness of God and to give thanks for what we have. Gracious God, we give thanks for the nation of Canada....
Prayer for Unity
Last week saw the events of the mass shooting at Emanuel AME church in Charleston S.C. The other day the state Governor, backed by other politicians, called for the removal of the Confederate Flag over the state Capitol Building. The flag has long been a symbol that...
Prayer for the Life and Witness of the Church
Your kingdom, O God, is among us as a seed growing secretly. Let it burst into flower in our generation. Where the poor are raised up, there is your kingdom; Where justice flows down like the mountain streams, there is your kingdom; Where men and women give their...
Understanding Maturity
We are constantly growing, expanding in our learning and understanding. From moment to moment each experience we have changes us in small, subtle ways. As we progress through life we pray that we have the wisdom to learn from each of these experiences and to grow in...
A Gaelic Prayer
One of the many book of prayers that I have is The Sun Dances: Prayers and Blessings from the Gaelic by Alexander Carmichael (1960). Reading and hearing prayers from other cultures is illuminating to understand how people over time have encountered God. The prayer...
Praying for Forgiveness
The central belief in Christian thought is that through Christ's sacrifice on the cross we are forgiven. How we are forgiven or what we are forgiven for is perhaps open to more debate or interpretation. The theology of atonement is an area of study which seeks to shed...
Prayer for Pentecost
Jesus promised the disciples that after he left them he would send another, an advocate, in his place. The Holy Spirit comes, a Spirit of truth that continues to point us towards the teachings of Christ and of God's holy purpose for creation. God of power and truth,...
Praying for Comfort
Gracious God, your love for us extends beyond our understanding. In a busy world we often seek rest. Amid the many conflicts and disasters we seek peace. Allow us to step beyond the boundaries of what we understand peace to be. Allow us to extend true, heartfelt...
Prayers for Nepal and Baltimore
Today's prayer is for two very different concerns, in two very different parts of the world. A few days ago Nepal was hit by a devastating earthquake. Much of the infrastructure in Nepal has been damaged or destroyed and it will take years to rebuild. This speaks...
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.