A Prayer
Recently I have discovered a website belonging to Andrew King. Andrew writes wonderful poetry based on his encounter with scripture. As I read his poem this week I thought that it captured how I am feeling and best articulated the prayer I needed to say. Please take...
Prayer of Restoration
Be gracious to me, O God, According to your steadfast love; According to your abundant mercy Wash me thoroughly and cleanse me of my sin. I know my sin, it is every before me. It is against you that I have sinned, I have done evil in your sight. Your desire for me is...
Prayer at Pentecost
Gracious God, you are our life-giver and liberator, Make us both alert and free in your service. In the light of your truth may we see best How to use our resources for the day's events. Give us your Spirit, Make us people who will build your kingdom, Not people who...
Praying the Psalms: 1
"The end of prayer is praise." - Eugene Peterson Gracious God, we are happiest when we live in the light of your love. In life we recognize that there are two paths: The path of the wicked and The path of the righteous. May we always take delight in your word, May we...
Praying the Psalms: 119
The Psalms remain a source of praise in Christian worship. They inform us about God and our relationship with God. Additionally, we find Psalms of praise, lament and thanksgiving. A wide range of emotion is swept up in the Psalms. This morning we look to Psalm 119 as...
Prayer for Attawapiskat
Over the past week we have learned about the crisis occurring at Attawapiskat in Northern Ontario. It is troubling to learn/realize/acknowledge that there is a wide disparity of standards of living in Canada. These income gaps appear in our large urban settings, rural...
You Are Medicine For Me
You are medicine for me when I am sick. You are my strength when I need help. You are lift itself when I fear death. You are the way when I long for heaven. You are the light when all is dark. You are my food when I need nourishment. Amen. - Ambrose of Milan...
Evening Prayer
Eternal God, The hours both of day and night are yours, And to you the darkness is no threat. Be present, we pray, with those who labour in the hours of night, Especially those who watch and work on behalf of others. Grant them diligence in their watching,...
A Gaelic Blessing
God to enfold me, God to surround me, God in my speaking, God in my thinking. God in my sleeping, God in my waking, God in my watching, God in my hoping. God in my life, God in my lips, God in my soul, God in my heart. God in my sufficing, God in my slumber, God in...
An Easter Sunday Meditation
The glorious gold-bright sun was after rising on the crests of the great hills, and it was changing colour - green, purple, red, blood-red, white, intense-white, and gold-white like the glory of the God of the elements to the children of men. It was dancing up and...

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Cobourg is part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The congregation was established in 1833 and continues to serve the community.