Preparing for Sunday Worship: Be Prepared

At St. Andrew’s we host the Cobourg area Girl Guides. The Girl Guides along with the Scouting movement share a motto. This motto is composed of two words, yet it carries with it a heavy burden: Be Prepared. That is the motto of these movements which have...

Prayer for Humility

This past Sunday we talked a little bit about pride and walking humbly with God. With this in mind I think it is important to continue to remember to walk humbly with God. To consider ourselves as children of God and how God is using us. As God said to Job when he...

Walk Humbly

I’d like to start our time together this morning talking to you about pride. In doing so I would like to share with you some thoughts on pride from people far wiser than me. “Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are...

Preparing for Sunday Worship: Walk Humbly

A young man was dressed for a job interview. His best suit, matching tie, shoes highly polished. He had done his level best to ensure that he was putting more than his best foot forward. He was more than prepared and what is more he looked the part. During the...

A Prayer of Praise

As we move about the busyness of our days we do not often stop and pause to reflect on God. If we are honest with ourselves God is an after thought in the activities that comprise our daily lives. We acknowledge, believe and know that God is with us but we seldom give...

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