by Neil Ellis | Apr 29, 2019 | Sermons
Peace Be With You On the second Sunday of Easter we come to a familiar story: Doubting Thomas. The encounter with Thomas has the potential to dominate any discussion that we might have about this passage. While Thomas’ point of view is important and his...
by Neil Ellis | Apr 22, 2019 | Sermons
Easter Sunday – 2019 Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! This Easter we proclaim once again that Christ is risen from the dead. Scripture: Luke 24: 1-12 Easter Sunday - 2019
by Neil Ellis | Apr 17, 2019 | Sermons
A Choice of Two Kingdoms On Palm Sunday Jesus provides a clear choice for us on who to follow. The powers of empire or the kingdom of God. It is a stark contrast that is provided as we enter into Holy Week. It is a choice that will test our loyalties and will require...
by Neil Ellis | Apr 8, 2019 | Sermons
Have the Poor with You Always What would it look like to live in true community with everyone who lived the town of Cobourg? To strike down the barriers of class, ethnicity, gender and so on. The passage from John’s gospel that we look at on this fifth Sunday...
by Neil Ellis | Apr 3, 2019 | Prayer
We are the naked ones clothed in Your mercy. More safe are we with Your smile upon us than carrying much armour. You are our best protection against wild words that beguile. You are our fod, sweet to taste and sustaining. You are our guide at all times. The knee that...