Preparing for Sunday: The Cost

When we think about what something costs, we usually equate that to price. What is the sticker price of an item and can we afford it? Routine items are generally affordable for most people. It is when we begin to consider items outside of our normal purchases that the...

Morning Prayer

Gracious God, As I wake to face the day I acknowledge that I am unaware of what will challenge me, Of who will cross my path, or of what beauty I may experience. What I do know is that you are my rock and my refuge. My every present helper during times of need. You...


If I were to sneeze right now most of you would probably respond in one of two ways. You would either say Gesundheit which is German and means roughly, “I wish you good health.” The other response you might provide is Bless You. Now saying ‘bless you’ to someone might...

Preparing for Sunday: Blessings

In our gospel lesson today Jesus tells the host of a party that by inviting the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind he will be blessed. As I have reflected on this passage this week I have asked myself a series of questions what does it mean to be blessed? What...

Prayer for Today

This mornings prayer is taken from Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals by Shane Claiborne, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove and Enuma Okoro. This prayer book is laid out with ordinary prayer to guide and focus your devotional life. The focus of today’s...

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