Easter Sunday

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Easter Sunday – Audio Sermon https://standrewscobourg.ca/wp-content/uploads/2015/sermons/15-04-05-rev-neil-ellis-easter-sunday.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS I have seen the Lord! I have seen...

Transformative Love

On Palm Sunday we both journey with Jesus and welcome Jesus to Jerusalem. We take our place with the crowds and we shout Hosanna! as our Lord, King and Saviour enters into the gates of Jerusalem. The story of Palm Sunday acknowledges the kingship of Jesus, however it...

Be Where Jesus Is

During our journey through Lent we have asked a variety of questions concerning who Jesus is and what it means to follow him. In our reading this morning from John’s Gospel we are once again faced with the question of what it means to serve Jesus. We are...

For God So Loved

John 3:16 is a well known and loved piece of scripture. It speaks of God’s great love for creation and humanity. However, when this passage is situated within its larger context we see that it evokes a depth and breadth of meaning that is not initially apparent....

Flipping Tables

If I showed up this morning and starting flipping tables and accusing you of being heretics or hypocrites I don’t think you would enjoy it very much. In fact I’m fairly certain that I would wear my welcome out very quickly. To say that you would not appreciate such...

What Do We Believe The Messiah Will Do?

Have you ever had one of ‘those days’? You know the ones I’m talking about. Where everything is proceeding normally and out of no where you learn something unexpected. It rocks your world and shakes your beliefs. Everything goes from being normal and understood to...

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